Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hopefully everyone is up for a laugh...

I love getting on my computer and finding hilarious pictures of my boys. One day they are sitting over in the corner somewhere in the house with my computer on their laps and just giggling and laughing away. These are some of the gems from that sitting. Enjoy, laugh, heal, smile, enjoy joy. 

This one is so sweet. <3<3<3


These ones came from an early morning where Nickolas swiped my computer while the whole house was asleep and went out into the field with a blanket and enjoyed some alone time. I love what he created. <3<3<3

You will do great things, Son.

I thought you all might enjoy these. They make me smile and laugh. It's all for them. 
We are so near our goal, just waiting on a call that the trailer is ready, then it's go time! Thank you for checking in on us. Please send your positive thoughts our way. :)

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